“悟空”暗物质粒子探测卫星 Dark Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)
主题:"悟空"暗物质粒子探测卫星 Dark Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)
1.1 研发背景(Background)
1.2 研制单位(Developer and Manufacturer)
1.3 目标任务(Satellite Mission)
1.4 基本数据(Details)
1.5 星上载荷(On-board Payload)
1.6 卫星特点(Feature)
1.7 科研成果(Achievement)
1.8 相关技术性文件(Related Documents)
本文由Yumo Bai(Bryce), Boyuan Pan(Alan), Xianghui Chen(Luna)整理及编写
1.1 研发背景(Background)
2011-12, the DAMPE mission was officially launched. It is one of five satellite missions in the framework of the Strategic Pioneer Research Program in Space Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
1.2 研制单位(Developer and Manufacturer)
The Wukong dark matter particle detection satellite is developed by the Institute of Microsatellite Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is responsible for the overall satellite engineering and ground support system. The Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is responsible for the development, construction and operation of the scientific application system. Xi’an The satellite measurement and control center is responsible for satellite measurement and control system tasks.
1.3 目标任务(Satellite Mission)
The scientific objectives of Dark Matter Particle Explorer are to search for and study dark matter particles by conducting high-resolution observation of high-energy electron and gamma-ray, to study the origin of cosmic rays by observing the high energy electron and heavy nuclei above TeV, and to study the propagation and acceleration mechanism of the cosmic ray by observing high-energy gamma-ray.
1.4 基本数据(Details)
Mass at launch: 1850kg
Orbit: Sun-synchronous orbit at 500km altitude and 97.4° inclination.
Designed Life: 3 years
Launch time: 2015-12-17 8:12 (UTC 8)
Launch Site: Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Carrier rocket: Long March 2D
Delivery date: 2016-3-17
Current Status: Operational, Extended service
1.5 星上载荷(On-board Payload)
载荷一,塑闪阵列探测器(Plastic Scintillation Hodoscope Array):位于整颗卫星的最上层的部分,其主要用于区分入射高能电子(带电粒子)和光子(非带电粒子),鉴别入射高能重离子(Z=1~26)的种类,由两层塑料闪烁体条组成。
Payload -1,Plastic scintillation hodoscope array (PSD): Serves as an anti-coincidence detector. Consists of a double layer of plastic scintillator strips.
载荷二,硅阵列探测器(Silicon-tungsten tracker-converter)则位于塑闪阵列探测器的下层,其主要用于测量宇宙线的方向和电荷,由6个径迹双层,每个由正交摆放的两个单面硅条组成;有三层钨板厚度分别为1cm、2mm、2mm,,插在硅微条的第2、3、4层前面,用作光子转换。
Payload-2,Silicon-tungsten tracker-converter (STK): Measuring the two orthogonal views perpendicular to the pointing direction of the apparatus. Consists of 6 tracks double layers; each consists of two layers of single-sided silicon strip detectors. And three layers of Tungsten plates are inserted in front of tracking layers 2, 3, and 4 for photon conversion.
载荷三,BGO量能器(BGO calorimeter):主要目的是为了测量宇宙线粒子,尤其是高能电子和伽玛射线的能量(5GeV-10TeV),同时根据强子簇射和电磁簇射在量能器中的横向展开和纵向发展的不同,进行粒子鉴别,以剔除高能强子(主要是质子)本底。由14层,每层22根BGO晶体构成,相邻两层正交排列。
Payload-3,BGO calorimeter: Measure the energy (5GeV-10TeV) of the cosmic rays. Consists of 14 layers of Bismuth Germanium Oxide (BGO) bars in a hodoscopic arrangement.
载荷四,中子探测器(Neutron Detector):为了测量宇宙线中的强子(主要为质子)与中子探测器上层的物质发生作用产生的次级中子,根据这些中子在探测器内的能量沉积,可以判断入射粒子的类型,配合BGO探测器来进一步区分质子和电子。中子探测器采用厚度为10 mm的掺硼(B)的塑料闪烁体探测器。
Payload-4,Neutron detector: Detect delayed neutron resulting from hadron shower and to improve the electron/proton separation power. Consists of 16, 1 cm thick, boron-doped plastic scintillator plates of 19.5 × 19.5 cm2 large, each read out by a photomultiplier.
1.6 卫星特色(Features)
DAMPE is the first high energy particle explorer in space for China. It has the largest detection range and the highest resolution in the world. Its observation energy band is 10 times that of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer of the International Space Station, and its energy resolution is more than 3 times higher than that of similar international detectors. It has strong international competitiveness in the indirect detection of dark matter, which has greatly improved the level of dark matter detection in China. The project was established in 2011, with a cost of 100 million US dollars, much lower than similar foreign detectors.
DAMPE has unprecedented sensitivity and energy reach for electrons, photons and cosmic rays (proton and heavy ions). For electrons and photons, the detection range is 5 GeV – 10 TeV, with an energy resolution of about 1% at 800 GeV. For cosmic rays, the detection range is 100 GeV – 100 TeV, with an energy resolution better than 40% at 800 GeV. The geometrical factor is about 0.3 m2 sr for electrons and photons, and about 0.2 m2 sr for cosmic rays. The angular resolution is 0.1° at 100 GeV.
1.7 科研成果(Achievement)
北京时间2019年9月28日,“悟空”号国际合作组在《科学进展》(Science Advances)杂志发表了从40 GeV到100 TeV能段的宇宙线质子精确能谱测量结果。这是国际上首次利用空间实验实现对高达100 TeV的宇宙线质子能谱的精确测量,这对于研究和认识银河系内宇宙线起源、加速机制,以及它们在星际空间和星系际空间中的传播及相互作用等关键问题,有着很重要的价值和意义。
On September 28, 2019, the International Cooperation Group of DAMPE published the results of the accurate energy spectrum measurement of cosmic ray protons in the energy range from 40 GeV to 100 TeV in the journal Science Advances. This is the first time in the world that space experiments have been used to accurately measure the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray protons up to 100 TeV. This is useful for studying and understanding the origin and acceleration mechanism of cosmic rays in the Milky Way and their propagation in interstellar space and intergalactic space. Interaction and other key issues have very important value and significance.
At present, the working state of DAMPE in the extended service stage is still in good condition, and the data is being continuously accumulated. More observations will be published in the future, especially the measurement results of the energy spectrum of different nuclide cosmic rays. Make new contributions to development.