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[音乐] Example - Won t Go Quietly [flv]http://www.tudou.com/v/MqS9g967sKI/&rpid=92842361/v.swf[/flv][flv]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTcxODE3OTQw/v.swf[/flv] I needed more than just a kiss goodnight Had to go get something out my system I ignored the warnings, bit the fruit She might have tasted good But man she was my kryptonite Shoulda known she was trouble from the start I, knew she'd broken hearts I, thought I'd take that chance Danced with the she devil in the pale moonlight Alarm bells rang, but I loved the drama In a dark place but I loved the karma sutra Shoulda closed that door But I kept going back for more She's electric, she's the current running through my veins She's a siren, hearing voices that I can't explain Now I should be thinking it over Instead I'm calling her over Now she's here and she won't go quietly I Should be thinking it over Instead I'm calling her over Now she's here but she won't go quietly I needed more than just a cheap thrill ride See I needed something that ran deep inside Ignored the warnings, bit the fruit She might have tasted good But man she was my kryptonite Shoulda known it wouldn't last for a year I, knew it'd all end it tears I, cracked, she was mind addictive, never felt scripted Upredicatable, tied up, but no strings attatched Left scratch marks on my back Her cold eyes got me excited and I can't hide the truth She's electric, she's the current running through my veins (I just can't kick the habit x2) She's a siren, hearing voices that I can't explain (I just can't kick the habit) Now I should be thinking it over Instead I'm calling her over Now she's here and she won't go quietly I should be thinking it over Instead I'm calling her over Now she's here and she won't go quietly Can't see the end of this or who survives It's just another case of do or die Can't see the end of this or who survives It's just another case, another case, another case another case, another case .. She's electric, she's the current running through my veins (I just can't kick the habit x2) She's a siren, hearing voices that I can't explain (I just can't kick the habit) Now I, should be thinking it over Instead I'm calling her over Now she's here and she won't go quietly I should be thinking it over Instead I'm calling her over Now she's here and she won't go quietly Can't see the end of this or who survives It's just another case of do or die Can't see the end of this or who survives It's just another case of do or die Can't see the end of this or who survives It's just another case of do or die ![]() Example原名Elliot Gleave,生於倫敦,生日是1983年6月20日,是一名英倫歌手、饒舌歌手。藝名Example的來歷是由於他的本名縮寫e.g.在拉丁文中是exempli gratia的縮寫,也就是英文中的for example。Example的音樂類型大概可以歸為Eleotro,hip hop,grime和dubstep。 [早期生涯] 他生於倫敦西區醫院,是長子。曾在富爾漢姆市的 All Saints Primary School讀小學。隨後又在位於溫得沃茨市的ADT College(現稱Ashcroft Technology Academy)讀書。 Example說過自己開始饒舌歌手生涯的主要原因是受到武當派(Wu-Tang Clan)和史努比狗狗(Snoop Dogg)專輯的引導,而後者的專輯最初吸引自己的在於很酷的專輯封面藝術。 9歲時,他贏得了皇家郵政的“年度最佳詩作”,並為他的學校贏回一臺電腦。 12歲時,他在一場聚會上第一次參加了饒舌鬥技。他聲稱自己完全擊垮了一個無用的傻瓜,然後他們打了架,以至於那個人只能屁滾尿流地跑回家。 17歲時,進入Royal Holloway University,學習電影導演專業。在大學時,他開始參與車庫Mc來賺錢。正是這段時間他遇見了Joseph Gardner和AKA Rusher,也就是日後合作的音樂制作人。Gleave和Gardner在學校的小錄音室內制作了一張概念專輯。這張專輯包括了一首成為Example第一首正式發行的單曲。 [初期音樂歷程] 搬回倫敦後,Example決定追求音樂事業。在自己的廠牌"All The Chats"下發行了三支單曲後(包括一首在06年一月發行的7分鐘原始版"I Dont Want To"),Example得到了Pete Tong, Zane Lowe和其他一些Radio 1(英國廣播一臺)的人的註意。與此同時,Example還獲得了四大唱片品牌經理的註意——這之中最著名的恐怕要數Beats label的老總Mike Skinner了。 在2006年4月簽了與The Beats的合約後,Example發行了一首"Vile"作為對Lily Allen的冠單“Smile”的回應,並得到在Radio 1的播放機會。Example第一次正式在The Beats廠牌下的單曲是2006年發行的"What We Made",這支單曲的錄影帶拍攝於烏克蘭的切爾諾貝利市。 Example在Beats廠牌下發行的第二支正是單曲叫“You can’t Rap”,2007年三月正式發行,同年6月11日重新發行了"I Don't Want To"。隨後又發行了“So many roads”(采樣了The Carpenter的"We've Only Just Begun"),正是這支單曲成為了Example第一張全長錄音室專輯的開場曲。 在07年底與The Beats解約後,Example在08年3月自己發行了他的下一支單曲"Me + Mandy"。這首歌的MV在倫敦拍了四天四夜,在40余名工作人員的努力下,在超過30個地點拍攝完成。讓人驚訝的是這些都是在區區1000歐元的費用下做到的。這部MV由Example的朋友Henry Scholfield執導,隨後在當年的VMA上獲得了“最佳低預算MV“獎。 2008年Example還參與了喜劇脫口秀,演了BBC2的The Culture Show。具體情節大家上U2B搜索吧("Example Does Standup")。 [成名階段] Example的第二張錄音室專輯Won't Go Quietly讓他一舉成名。Example在UK榜上首次亮相是Won't Go Quiety這張專輯(Data Records發行)的首波主打歌曲"Watch The Sun Come Up"。這首歌曲09年9月發行,空降英國單曲榜第20名,第二周又攀到第19名。 第二首同名主打在1月18日發行,首周UK單曲榜排到第十六名,意味著Example第一次出現在榜單前十的位置上。這首歌在愛爾蘭最高排到36名。 6月20日三單Kickstarts發行。首周在UK單曲榜上空降第3,在6月21日,專輯Won't go quietly發行。專輯首周在UK專輯榜上排名第4,一個月後被認證為銀唱片。 此專輯的四單"Last Ones Standing",五單"Two Lives"分別在UK單曲榜上達到第27、第84位,與Professor Green合作的單曲也達到第29位。 [最新進展] 第三張專輯叫做Playing in the Shadows 這張專輯的首波主打單曲"Changed the Way You Kiss Me" 於2011年6月發行首周空降UK單曲榜冠軍。 與此同時,Example的第二次英國巡演也已來開序幕 。 [下載]《Won t Go Quietly》320kbps 整張專輯 ed2k://|file|Example.-.[Won.t.Go.Quietly].专辑.(MP3).rar|129422992|046519ec21278b1703b91dc6a6f96959|/ 专辑曲目: 01. From Space 3:09 02. Won’t Go Quietly 4:02 03. Watch The Sun Come Up 4:22 04. Time Machine” (produced by Calvin Harris) 4:11 05. Something in the Water 3:53 06. Last Ones Standing 3:24 07. Millionaires 3:29 08. Two Lives 3:29 09. Kickstarts (produced by Sub Focus) 3:01 10. Sick Note (produced by Chase & Status) 4:07 11. Dirty Face (produced by Bart B More) 2:47 12. Hooligans (VIP mix) (with Don Diablo) 3:37 13. See the Sea” (produced by Funkagenda) 4:07 14. Won’t Believe The Fools 4:52 15. Girl Can’t Dance 2:53 [ 本帖最后由 slowlyhandesign 于 2011-8-10 22:18 编辑 ] |
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